Good Morning Newgrounds! The Tank Tribune has surpassed 600 Followers! Thank you to all of my readers out there. We did it. We have reached 50 issues of The Tank Tribune! While working on this issue I was going back through the past issues and reminiscing. Seeing the first issue and what it has become is incredible. It is all thanks to you. Thank you to my Patrons over on Patreon. Special thanks to @rtil, @Cyberdevil, @SevenSeize, and @TomFulp for all of your unwavering support for The Tank Tribune. With that said, milkypossum has dominated the Top 5 Audio. We celebrate the team behind Olive's Art-Venture. @ninjamuffin99 was interviewed. Tom gave us a blast to the past and picked up an award for it. Without further a do, here are hip happenings of Newgrounds.
THEME SONG BY @sorohanro
@FatKidWitAJetPak @F-777 @ComposerEvans @ChromaCee @Holokin @Syntrus @MisterJames @Reeez @ZeroDigitZ @conundrym @djt820 @Dungeonation @ThatJohnnyGuy @Bezo @NickPerrin @Lucasberry @Bad-Man-Incorporated @Vista-Sound13
Expanding/Improving the File Dump
@CyrusOfNaias is looking to upgrade his Supporter plan to $4.99 and is asking the question if there any developmental plans in the future to expand the storage space of the Dumping Grounds. Tom has considered making the Dump a Supporter only feature going forward due to storage costs of giving out free storage to every account. It also makes it anonymous to help prevent those who would abuse it to harm other users or the site. The same idea is being considered for image sharing VIA PM system. There are also talks about multi-author being made available in the Art Portal. If you're an artist interested in gathering people together for a collage collaboration, then be on the lookout for Tom's next post.
We start the week off with something risqué. @ALDAnimator has won their first Daily Feature award for ALD Succubi Dance. We end February with @Delfrig winning his sixth Daily Feature for U. An entry in his alphabet series that started with D, skipped F, and is now up to U. We begin March with Newgrounds Veteran @Tabuley winning his second Daily Feature for Standee available!. His first Daily Feature was for 6th Patreon Animation teaser back in February 2019. We hit hump day with @TomFulp picking up his 39th Daily Feature for a game that was once a secret exclusive entitled The Last Piece of Cake DX. There is more information about this in the Flash Portal History this morning. @heyopc has received their 12th Daily Feature for winnie the pooh has entered the public domain. heyopc has also won Daily Features for LUCKYBOY, Friday Night Funkin' LOST OPENING, and Gluten-Free, just to name a few. @VoicesByCorey supplied the voice acting for this movie picking up his 11th Daily Feature award. @nuclear-smash picked won his second Daily Feature award and first solo Daily Feature award for Video Game Essayist Apology Video. He has been celebrating. His first Daily Feature award was shared with others in Tankmas ADVENTure 2021. We end off the week with a collaboration entitled House of Cosbys Cover Collab. Winning @Sardinky his seventh Daily Feature, @Awful-Ike their fourth Daily Feature, @CorTat-G their second Daily Feature. CorTat-G was the Featured Artist in Issue NO. 39 of The Tank Tribune, the special Evening Edition. @EelSocks won his fourth Daily Feature, @GreaseBrain won their third Daily Feature. @Potatoman won his 16th Daily Feature, @RGPAnims won his 28th Daily Feature, and last but not least, @ToastieTV won their third Daily Feature. Sardinky, Awful-Ike, EelSocks, and GreaseBrain have also won Daily Features for their collaborations on Orval's imaginary Friends, Those Good Ol' Golden Wonder Days, and Hotel Sporio - a Sporelunk Parody.
Here are the Top 5 songs from the Audio Portal on the week of February 27th, 2022 - March 5th, 2022, based on Popularity. Starting off at number five is Newgrounds Veteran musician @F-777 with F-777 - Mega Elixir. His next song F-777 - Dino Disco will be coming out on March 17th St. Patrick's Day. Mark your calendars! At number four we have another Newgrounds Veteran musician @milkypossum with ♥️CUTIE♥️ (Feat. Hatsune Miku). milkypossum's music can be heard in a variety of music and games on Newgrounds! Coming in at number 3 is yet another Newgrounds Veteran musician @dj-Nate with his track {dj-N} Impending Doom. At the number 2 spot we have a newcomer to the site who joined back in January. @elebear with their track sea (k l ) [arp]. Taking the spot for the Number 1 Song on Newgrounds last week is @milkypossum with Aether President Lusamine. A cover of Lusamine's Battle Theme from Pokemon: Sun and Moon. There you have it folks.
This week's featured artist is @dogmuth-behedog. He's been with Newgrounds for nearly 6 years now. His style is incredible to the eye. He sketches in a traditional format and then colors later. He has been absent for a while, but he is making his grand return soon! Give him a Follow on Newgrounds and help get him to 1,000 Fans! Check out his works below!
The pillar of the great Eagle
Olive's Art-Venture Team
The team behind Olive's Art-Venture are three Newgrounds members who have been here for ten years, with Stepford's anniversary fast approaching. Stepford is a game developer here on the site who has received recognition for their works on MADNESS: Off-Color, which won Best Game of Pico Day 2021! milkypossum is a musician here on the site whose music has been featured in titles such as SPACETIME THE TRAILER, DEAD ESTATE - LAUNCH TRAILER, and Never-Ending Dance Party [COLLAB], which they collaborated with @ConnorGrail. All three of these movies milkypossum shares Daily Feature Awards with. Andyl4nd is an artist and animator here with recognition for The Goose is Loose!, Doofball's Green Puzzle, and disliked.. All which have won Daily Features. These three are constantly pushing their game and have been collaborating with different artists, musicians, developers, and animators to make wonderful things for Newgrounds. Olive's Art-Venture won Best Game of January 2022 and Best Game of Pixel Day 2022. These three not only have Supporter badges, they have also given to the site in more ways than they probably know. Thank you!
Welcome to the supporter forum!
A lot of users become supporters, but don't drop by the Party. Stop in and introduce yourself!
Why Did You Support Newgrounds
A thread made early in the Supporter launch. What made you want to purchase a Supporter upgrade and give your hard earned money to Newgrounds?
- Am I too old for this?
- wobwobrob AMA
- Supporter Pic Thread
“Neural networks still don't have empathy. Humans shouldn't lose theirs.”
LATEST INTERVIEW: ninjamuffin99
The creator behind Breathing Simulator and one of the creators behind FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN'. It is ninjamuffin99. He has been featured here on The Tank Tribune as Supporter of the Week. Once by himself and again as part of the FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN' Team. He was also one of the hosts of The Newgrounds Podcast.
@DJ-AfterBurnz has produced his own clothing line for you to get! From socks, hats, and shirts, to hoodies, leggings, and phone cases! If you're a fan of his music, then represent the brand. If you're not? Give his stuff a listen! You can purchase his clothing line here!
Looking for voice actors
@Cheetoh needs more voice actors for his cartoons. If you're interested, send him a Private Message here on Newgrounds or an E-Mail with your demo reel. He has won Daily Features in the past for FACE MASKS - Don't Be THAT Guy, ASMR TITANIC, and Hey That's Offensive!. Just to name a few.
Just out of it, you know?
@MayaLaCookie has hit burnout recently. They have been pushing themselves too hard to try and step up past their previous work. MayaLaCookie has decided to take a break from art. They will still be here on the site though. We look forward to your return.
@Thecrispychannel is working on a Boss Rush game. The Tank Tribune was able to talk to him about it and he was kind enough to give us a synopsis as well as some design art.
"It's a boss rush game heavily inspired by sonic, crash bandicoot, kao the kangaroo, donkey kong country, banjo kazooie, kirby, mega man, cuphead and other games. The game is going to have 10 levels, the bosses range in size, difficulty, and overall theme. You have 2 attacks, a basic punch and an up kick. You can also fly/glide using your big ears, which is why the character's name is Hiko which roughly means flying/flight in Japanese."
Short Film UPDATE!!
@MarcoCardenas has been working on a short film for a long time now. It is called Fishman. He has the script, storyboards, score, and voice acting done. He is in the process of animation. He won the Daily Feature award for UNDER INSPECTION and shared a Daily Feature award with @SrPelo and other collaborators on Newgrounds for Spooky Month 4 - Deadly Smiles. If you want to help fund this project, then check out his Ko-Fi.
Kill Boe Collab
One of Newgrounds biggest supporters, @Noodle, is forming a collaboration based on his first game Kill Boe. A simple stick figure game where you kill the titular character Boe. The collab will feature thirty shorts about five to thirty seconds in length. If you're an animator and have interest in joining a collab on Newgrounds then read more in the Kill Boe Collab Thread. The deadline is March 15th. Noodle has also been known for the YouTube series This Week on Newgrounds as well as a series on Flash Games.
Life update c:
@Permian-Extinction has been off the site for a while. There are some good reasons as to why though. They became the featured artist for March at a coffee shop they draw at. Five original pieces will be on sale at the coffee shop. Permian-Extinction has also done some album art for a big band they like. Under an NDA though they aren't allowed to show off the work or even state the name of the band. We are eagerly waiting for Permian-Extinction to hear back from the recording label. They're also now an apprentice at Hybrid Image Tattoo in Cincinnati. Hopefully we can coax @ZJ into getting a Newgrounds Tank tattoo. Permian-Extinction is back to their full-time job and working at the tattoo shop on the weekends so there will be less posted to Newgrounds.
Back before we had the Supporter Features there was Newgrounds Secrets. These were unlocked after leveling up to higher levels. There were old movies that were taken down due to legal reasons. Involving the Smurfs and Charlie Brown. There was also a game you could play made by Tom entitled The Last Piece of Cake. Tom has tweaked it for today and released it to the public. This game was released back in 2000 and can now be played by everyone!
@ChillyAbe is new to the site. He knew the site for having Madness Combat, Dad n' Me, and Riddle School. He is learning HTML and CSS and draws occasionally. His favorite series on the site are Madness Combat, Brackenwood, Pico, and Riddle School.
@FrostPen is a new artist, animator, and musician here on the site. He came from a website called Scratch. He left because he couldn't tolerate the community anymore. He likes that Newgrounds is more open and mature. Check out some of his works below!
@graveler222 is new to the site and an aspiring game developer. They used to make levels in Free Rider, Line Rider, Super Stacker, and Red Remover. They're hoping to make their own game one day!
@MaeBorowskiNITW is new to Newgrounds! She has been throwing down some rhymes in the General Forum. You can read them here and here.
X-Rated Monthly Voting Pool (February 2022)
The Monthly Awards typically ask voters not to cast votes towards adult content, due to them getting enough attention as it is to highlight other works. @Synikal has taken up the mantle to have a Monthly Voting Pool for the Adult Rated content here on Newgrounds.
It's the day I slid out of my mother...
@321 has celebrated his 44th Birthday last week! This old Kitty Krew member demands you join the Kitty Discord. Just send him a PM for an invite. Don't forget to wish him a happy belated birthday.
I'm back! +What kind of creature is Mitchelf?
@Mitchelf has returned! He has been through a lot, with his pet frog dying, flunking out of college, and being homeless. He is here to bring us art and make the site tremble. If you would like to help him out, he is taking donations through Ko-Fi. Welcome home Mitchelf.
"that's the fucker who keeps flicking out the lights"
"as soon as i see the words "we value your privacy" i assume all cookies are laced with cyanide"
"Bollocks, it only counts as a "world war" if Germany starts it."
"You can find me naked on the interweb"
"I like to rip my pubes out and scream like Tarzan"
worst thing to say before sex
15 years ago. @LittleWashu made a thread posing an interesting question. What would be the worst thing you could say to someone before you had sex. Some exceptional hilarity ensued throughout the thread. Here are a few choice favorites.
"oh I am sorry I thought you were your brother."
"Oh, by the way, my penis isn't really 10 inches, its 3."
"I smoke while having sex, so can you hold this ashtray on you face?"
"Ignore the green stuff I'm almost ,absoltuely kind of sure that it's not infectious."
Here we take a look through the favorites of our readers here on The Tank Tribune. This week we have ten favorite movies from @Noodle. Enjoy!
Noodle's Favorite Movies
Here are the Users of the Day for February 27th - March 5th. Congratulations to all of you!
50 Issues. Over 600 Fans. That is incredible. Thank you all so much to those who come back here every week to read the paper and sticking it out with me through the trials and tribulations that consumed my life. I can't believe I'm actually in a good place in my life right now. That I'm able to be here with you this morning to share the news with you. To be doing The Interviewer and sharing the stories of the famous artists and members of Newgrounds. I feel like I should always be doing more, I don't want to overwhelm myself though between my day job and Newgrounds. It is a pleasure to be with you on Sunday mornings and now on Monday mornings. I also want to thank @sorohanro for allowing me to use the different versions of his song Paper Dragon as the theme song for The Tank Tribune. Ever since I heard those songs I always wanted to use them for something, but I never knew what. I feel it is fitting here. I hope that people will look to those songs the same way they say Light Orchestral Loop as The Interviewer theme. In a similar sense that Endless Handbag Loop is Newgrounds theme. Thank you all again for reading. I'll see you next Monday.
The Tank Tribune is a part of Dohn's Desk Productions
Congratulations on the 50th issue, thanks for all your hard work.