The Official Newspaper of Newgrounds! New Issues every Sunday!

Age 34

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NO. 48 - The Return of the King

Posted by TheTankTribune - February 21st, 2022





Good Morning Newgrounds! You might be wandering where I've been. Through a series of damaged wrists, holidays, getting sick, battling with depression, getting used to my new job, and @Anonymous-Frog ordering that hit on me by the mafia, it's been a whirlwind for sure. A lot has been going on and I'm afraid I won't be able to recap the past couple of months. I'm looking to pick up here in February and move on. Fro lifted all the things. We remember Hyakugojyuuichi!!. The Politics Forum hung on the edge of deletion. GraysonA has made his valiant return. Piconjo celebrated Valentine's Day and officially announced it as Epic Kiss Day. There's an interview with ZipZipper! All this and more. Here are the hip happenings of Newgrounds!


THEME SONG BY @sorohanro


@Vista-Sound13 @ookiyo @bannanlizard @TheMusicalManiac @SpinWires @Glouter @Ockeroid @Dalux @Jabun @Trackers @Bafana @hania @Bosa @BurningSexuality @Troisnyx @BulrogtheSorcerer @CarsonKompon @Shufflehound @GlowBoyMusic @U2W @Sykozealot @Maajjyyn



Adobo's Big Documentary

@Noodle has released the documentary behind the game Adobo's Big Adventure. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of this game there is an Adobo's Big Adventure Art Contest. There was also an interview with the Adobo's Big Adventure team over on @TheNewgroundsPodcast.

Closing the Politics Forum?

The Politics forum has seen some heavy intake in drama recently. Tom has been debating whether or not a Politics forum is still necessary with the evolution of Newgrounds focusing more on works of art. Some believe in shutting down the Politics forum and keeping any fire that spreads to the General forum in line. Others believe it is better to keep the fire contained in the Politics forum. There was from both the regulars of the Politics forum as well as the other forums on the site. Tom has since closed the thread and now there is a Sticky thread in its place. Politics Forum - Read Before Posting. There are now some basic rules to keep in mind when posting in the Politics Forum going forward.


The soundtrack to FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN' has been updated in the Archive. Check it out if you wanna get funkin! Headed by @KawaiSprite with special guest appearance by @SrPelo!

Firefox and Chrome versions '100' may break some websites

AUTHOR: Steve Dent

If you use Mozilla Firefox and/or Google Chrome to get your Newgrounds fix, then brace yourselves there may be trouble. The 100th versions of both of these will be launching soon and there could be trouble for certain websites. Certain websites they have tested this update on have returned a 403 Error and have other bugs involved. If you have Microsoft Edge on your computer or use a different browser entirely then you should be fine. If you don't then now would be the time to have a backup just in case. You can read all about it in this blog.

  • Chrome Stable Release Date - March 29, 2022
  • Firefox Stable Release Date - May 3, 2022

Best of January 2022

The Best Movies and Games voted on by Newgrounds have been announced! Below is the Best Movie and Best Game of the month! Congratulations to @HappyHarry@Ockeroid, and @sucho on their work OUTSIDER: A Pokémon Horror. Congratulations to @Stepford@Andyl4nd, and @milkypossum for their work Olive's Art-Venture!



Pixel Day 2022 Winners!

The 7th Annual Pixel Day has come to a close! These are the winners for Best Movie and Best Game! Congratulations to @gatekid3 for his work Save the Night! Congratulations to @Stepford@Andyl4nd, and @milkypossum for their work Olive's Art-Venture, which also won Best Game of January 2022!




We start the week off with @KevinTemmer winning their third Daily Feature for You're Going to the Shadow Realm, Jimbo. KevinTemmer's previous Daily Features are for Aloha Hohe (Animated Musical Short) and What's the Matter, Martha?@Diives picks up their 25th Daily Feature this week and a Weekly 3rd Place Award for their movie Buns Of Love@ArtOfAlexH picks up his first Daily Feature and a Weekly 4th Place Award for Tales from Scorchwater Valley - The Rhino and the Redbill (Animated Pilot). He received a Daily 5th Place Award for The Rhino and the Redbill - KICKSTARTER TRAILER back in July 2020. @KimiOmega's Kirby Guardian series has nabbed him his second Daily Feature with Kirby Guardian Ep7: Reincarnation (Part 2)Kirby Guardian Ep5: Adeleine's temper got him his first Daily Feature back in October 2020. We crossover humpday to @FlamingPiickle winning their third Daily Feature for Apple Friend. This is also the first Movie Daily Feature win for @ZaazNG for providing the music track Take A Hike. FlamingPiickle's first Daily Feature was an entry in the Among Us Jam: The Purple Impostor, Among Us the Musical. On Friday, @nokoi would win their first Daily Feature for AMERICAN BALLFROG. With voice acting provided by @Droid and @Shal. Compositing, Cinematography, Environment Modeling/Materials, Lighting, and Foley provided by @BrandyBuizel. With inspiration from @MZZA@alfa995 has won his first solo Daily Feature for Doe and Queen: Improper Lab Attire. His first Daily Feature win was part of the collaboration, Smash Bros Intro - Remake Latino. You may remember his C. Crashing Series here on Newgrounds, starting with C. Crashing a Barbarian.


Here are the Top 5 Audio tracks from the Audio Portal the week of February 13th - February 19th. At number five is Insane Mode by @0ldm4nn. The original version of this track was being made for an OST for a game by his friend. 0ldm4nn modified it to this finished product. At the number four spot is Movin Eurodance by @Zanyer. He started this track back in 2021 and has been able to finish it this year. At the third spot is pillow song by @Flascoe. The song was a fun time to make, the video was a process in itself, check out the pillow song video while you're at it! Coming in at number two is Embyeee - The Lost can't be helped by @Embyeee. And coming it at Number 1 last week is Ambush by @DeltaRhoGamma. DeltaRhoGamma has been here since 2012, with his ten-year anniversary coming in September. Congratulations to all of you!


This week's featured artist is friend to all the dinosaurs @Kidgalactus. They came to Newgrounds for open commissions, to make friends in our art community, and to just try out the site. It slowly grew up on them to where they have been here for over 3 years now. Have a look at their works below.


Mr. Whiskers





The Unreal Deal, sweet as puddin', Zachary Jones has been a member of Newgrounds for over 15 years. He is one of Newgrounds biggest fans and even bigger cheerleaders. He has been one of the most helpful members on the site. From Forum Moderation to help keep the forums clean and Game and Movie Moderator helping P-Bot keep the Portal clean. He is also one of the funniest users on the site as well, bringing joy to everyone he comes across on the site. The Tank Tribune is honored to name ZJ as one of Newgrounds best Supporters and Supporter of the Week.


Welcome to the supporter forum!

A lot of users become supporters, but don't drop by the Party. Stop in and introduce yourself!

Why Did You Support Newgrounds

A thread made early in the Supporter launch. What made you want to purchase a Supporter upgrade and give your hard earned money to Newgrounds?


“hUH???? frontpage my nuts”




One of Newgrounds finest musicians. His style ranges from classical, cirque, jazz, and countless fusions and experimental tracks. His story can be seen as a cautionary tale and one of hope and dedication.


Epic Kiss Day

@Piconjo has recently made February 14th, officially Epic Kiss Day. It is a series that Piconjo has kept going since 2004. Read up on the history of this day and watch all of the movies!

New Off the Wall Episode Post-Pixel Day!

@ThatJohnnyGuy has released a new episode of his podcast Off the Wall talking about this year's Pixel Day! ThatJohnnyGuy was the founder of Pixel Day. He also discusses upcoming projects and albums including Newgrounds: Zero Hour. Have a listen to it during lunch today!

2d Hand drawn Dance Animation (Harut)

@Sykohyko posted a dance animation involving his character Harut. You may remember him from Harut Raps and Neenja: Way Of The Harut. The dance animation won Sykohyko a Daily 3rd Place award last week.

Newgrounds Exclusive Release!

The band @SpinWires have released their new song Secret Agent 89 exclusively to Newgrounds! You can hear it below as long as some of their other works! Check it out!

SpongeBob SquarePants: Rise and Shine the Reanimated Collab

@ThrJester is looking for animators to help with a reanimation collaboration. @OisinBuckley, who won a Daily 4th Place for Escargot, has shown interest in the project. Lego animator @Eugine1a2b has offered to join as well. If you're an animator looking to be part of this genre here on Newgrounds then reply in the thread.



@Trapezoid, who you may know better as Neil Cicierega, uploaded his first flash animation here on Newgrounds creating a new genre of animation for the site called animutation. Neil would go on to make Potter Puppet Pals!The Ultimate Showdown, and Geeks In Love. All of which have won him a Daily Feature, with the latter two in collaboration with @altfour and @TmsT who supplied the art and animation and Neil supplying the music. Neil is now one of the most celebrated musicians not only on Newgrounds, but on the Internet as a whole. It all started with Hyakugojyuuichi!!.



@Pluto00 has recently joined us. He made an account to play games and is looking to make some friends! Say hello in the Intro Thread and make a new friend!

@JeremiahKunNG is a new artist here on the site. Check out their works below and say hello in the Intro Thread.

@GDA-G has lurked here for many years. She decided to finally make an account. Say hello in the Intro Thread and share some of your favorite things on Newgrounds with her.

@AdonisStickmen is a new animator here on Newgrounds. He was a part of Gamejolt where a lot of drama went down. Give him a warm welcome to the site in the Intro Thread.


I'm Back + Announcement

@GraysonA has made their valiant return to the site. They are also hosting a contest for TWOS-DAY! February 22, 2022 - 2/22/22. Any art or project involving the number 2. The deadline is tomorrow!

The Images Threads

UggoSonno deleted his thread and thus the original Cursed Images thread was deleted. @DrunkGecko has revived the thread under the title Cursed Images 2: The Squeakquel. Find your favorite cursed image and share it with Newgrounds. There are also Blessed Images and Blursed Images threads as well!

The Incremental Improvement Club

Since we're in a new year, The Tank Tribune is putting a spotlight on this club created by @Tacopug almost two years ago. If you're looking to make improvements to your life or trying to do something new, then this club will help track your progress and give you the support you need. You can also help and support other's goals as well.

In 2 days....

@Fro competed in another Stroman Competition. UNLEASH THE BEAST STRONGMAN BASH was this past Saturday! Fro took 3rd Place in the Strongman Competition. He is going to give a full recap of this event on his profile tomorrow, so Follow Fro for more information there. Below are two sneak peeks from the event.

[ VIDEO 1 | VIDEO 2 ]

Toxic Bosses

@GoryBlizzard has handed in his resignation at his job and moving onto another due to his toxic boss. It was a "rules for thee - not for me" situation. His co-workers were fine, and his top boss was engaging to talk to, but the person he worked directly under was not. He wants to know your stories of working with toxic bosses. Share yours.

Please don't swear in this thread

@Wegra has kindly asked that you not use any profane language in this thread. The language needs to be toned down some. If you would kindly oblige him that would be most helpful.


"Kanye West laid the foundation for Viking Metal"


"Crazy to think 2017 was already two years ago, huh?"


"I've been asking for a @fro job for a very long time. He talks about it, but seems to back out at the last second."


"I get fully naked for even minor medical procedures. It makes my dentist uncomfortable, but it's the way I was raised."


"Um... well it's gayer. Like a lot gayer. Like you remember that strongman scene from Jackass 2. That gay x10."





The Regulars Lounge 2.0

With Tom talking about closing the Politics forum I think it is important to note the lounge where regular users of the Politics forum would gather. The discussion of hard politics is not allowed in this thread and is more of a way to unwind, vent, and enjoy one another's company. The original lounge was deleted long ago. This one has stood the test of time and shows that although the Politics forum can be messy, the good parts overall outweigh the bad.


Here we take a look through the favorites of our readers here on The Tank Tribune. This week we have ten favorite movies from @Anonymous-Frog. Enjoy!

Anonymous-Frog's Favorite Movies


Here are the Users of the Day for February 13th - February 19th. Congratulations to all of you!








You have no idea how good it is to be back doing this. I apologize for the long absence while I was gone. I would like to thank anyone who followed The Tank Tribune during its hiatus. That truly means a lot to me. I would also like to thank all of my Patrons for supporting my endeavors over the years and continuing to stick it out with me. To all the readers of The Tank Tribune, thank you. I am glad I can bring the latest of Newgrounds, anything that slips through the cracks, and incredible music (seeing as the Phonograph is a lot of reader's favorite feature). If you were listening to the Phonograph this morning, please let me know if you discovered anyone that you liked through it and let the composer know how much you enjoyed their work with a review. I'm sure they'll appreciate it. I'll be back here next Monday with more of the hip happenings of Newgrounds. Take care all of you.

The Tank Tribune is a part of Dohn's Desk Productions





I will always appreciate the dedication to this! <3

Keep an eye out 2-22-22

First of all sorry about the crap you went through, but I'm glad you're back.
Second of all, it's good that the political thread is gone. All it ever did was divide people.
Third I'd like to congratulate those that made it on the Phonograph especially @TheMusicalManiac. Having listened to her work, she definitely earned it.

The return <3

Welcome back! I missed this

It puts a big smile on my face to see such a triumphant return. I'm glad to see y'all back! Much love <333333333 *mwah*

Sorry to hear about the hard times lately, and hope you're doing ok now. Great to see you back and thanks so much for sharing 1314 on the phonograph! Hope people enjoy it and take care of yourself :)

Big w's recently, thanks for the post

This is the most awesome news post I have ever seen.

Amazing!!! I didn't notice there is a newspaper until now

@CIEIRMusic Thanks so much man!!! I appreciate your ongoing support <3 it is an honor to compose here.

Thank you for the mention and continued support! I'm really sorry you're going through so much though. I hope it gets easier! As for the politics forum, we really don't need that xD I've been in too many debates. Thanks again for the mention! I am honored to compose here for Newgrounds and I love you all <3 Thank you <3

Look dude, the piano thing was an accident! I was using inches instead of centimeters! ;_;

Ayyyy there I am! Congrats to everyone else who got a dedication! you all rock!

Jesus a lot of work went into this. Well done and thanks for the mention

Timmy considers breakfast a medical procedure

Thanks for the Abobo shoutout! Great work as always :)

@Timmy You have no idea. It is a long process.

how do u become part of the honored guys the Tank Tribune honors?

Supporter of the Week is chosen by not only those who hold a Supporter Badge, but who contribute to Newgrounds. Look at the past Supporters of the Week to see what they have done for the site.

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