Good Morning Newgrounds! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! I spent mine alone, because all of the single gay guys I know all live hundreds of miles away, YAY! I moved some things around here on the paper with some new additions, I hope you all enjoy. We have a new animation jam to celebrate Friday Night Funkin'. A new addition involving quotes from Newgrounds members. This week's issue has the Forum History and Flash Portal History merging for one of Newgrounds most beloved tales. I am excited to bring all of you the news today and you can help by adding taglines in the Tagline Thread as well as your favorite recipes in The NG Club for Cooks, Bakers, & Eaters. With that out of the way, here are the hip happenings of Newgrounds.
THEME SONG BY @sorohanro
@RealBlargMaster @Bassclefff @GundorSound @Vista-Sound13 @Syntrus @TeraVex @MisterJames @Joe-Mega @LexRodent @velex @ThatAndyGuy @MintyFreshThoughts @Kamikazi1 @Whirlguy @AeronMusic @Agitat0r @Azhthar @Biggyzoom @Envy @ForgottenDawn @Jassummisko @Lich @LunacyEcho @Maezo @Mattashi @Mawnz @Mich @Noisysundae @Phonometrologist @Quarl @RyeGuyHead @Shozi @SolidElectro @sorohanro @SourJovis @Voltus @SuperPlatinum @iElectrocat @Lapse @SoundHolicK @RomeoJR
Friday Night Funkin' Animation Jam!
The latest animation jam is to celebrate the popularity of Friday Night Funkin'. This game has brought some new users to the site and brought back some older users as well. The biggest pre-requisite of this jam is that your entry MUST BE UPLOADED TO NEWGROUNDS FIRST before it goes anywhere else. Newgrounds is the home of Friday Night Funkin', so it should be here first and foremost. Cash prizes are available for 1st Place all the way down to 10th Place ranging from $2,500 for 1st Place and $200 for 10th Place.
Robot Day 2021
Robot Day will soon be upon us once again. August 26th we will celebrate the Artificial Life that is robotics. The prizes are small right now, but will grow over time. You can contribute to the prize pool through donations. Just PM @MindChamber and @TomFulp and let them know your donation is going towards Robot Day 2021!
NG Orchestral Composition Contest 2021!
@Troisnyx is hosting an audio contest for orchestration pieces. For those with a flair for the dramatic in Classical, Cinematic, or even Video Game. Prizes are to be determined. The judges for this contest are @Troisnyx, @BroKendeck, @DavidOrr, @JessieYun, and @sJLsmusic. There are to be no covers or remixes, original works only. You must be a scouted composers for the Audio Portal. The deadline is March 15, 2021 at 8:00 PM PST. Be sure to tag your piece with oc2021 so it will help the judges. Get out there and make something incredible!
Last Week's Daily Features from the Portal as posted through P-Bot's Postings are listed here. We start off the week with a Valentine's Day movie from @Diives picking up his nineteenth Daily Feature and a Weekly 3rd Place. @Ukinojoe, who we featured back in The Tank Symphony issue, picks up a Daily Feature for his latest song involving Audrey and Victor entitled Let Her Know (Or Something). @JoelG alongside @missbunniswan and @Utu-Nui pick up a Daily Feature for another entry in the ENA series, ENA - Temptation Stairway. An entry in the GMTK Jam 2020 picks up a Daily Feature. Tricky Keys is a puzzle platformer that was made in 24 hours by Team Bugulon - @sarnyoger, @bub, @JonTheRealJon, @minichibisart, @MistaJub, @orisghost, @Oroshibu, @SnakeBlock, and @THXsprites. @Carsaurus picks up his first Daily Feature for an entry in his WoodField series, the third episode of season three entitled Ross' Stormy Tale. @Acefishy picks up his second Daily Feature for Glory to Dogo (Hololive Animation). @cecameron, the creator of the Somewhere Other series, picks up a Daily Feature for her protest song The Story of the Frackin' Rabbit to close off the week.
The second episode of Off The Wall is out. There is a review of Dead Estate CLASSIC. The Thunder Riders Jack Serious short. As well as an advice segment to help you avoid pain. Also check out episode 1 if you missed it.
These are the people who make Newgrounds possible. Thank you!
This week we celebrate one of Newgrounds biggest fans and contributors DavidOrr. If you're a new Newgrounds fans you will most likely know his music from Castle Crashers. His repertoire expands throughout Newgrounds. His music has been known for setting the scene of epicness, to put it lightly. He also gives his time to help other musicians here on Newgrounds with his knowledge. He is one of the finest supporters of Newgrounds.
Welcome to the supporter forum!
A lot of users become supporters, but don't drop by the Party. Stop in and introduce yourself!
Why Did You Support Newgrounds
A thread made early in the Supporter launch. What made you want to purchase a Supporter upgrade and give your hard earned money to Newgrounds?
Friday Night Funkin' Animation Jam
Newgrounds Orchestral Composition Contest 2021
Salad Fingers PLUSH TOYS
If you're a fan of plushies @Doki has announced official Salad Fingers Plushies! You can get them at this store! If you buy one and pose your plushie with something rusty, send us a pic and we'll feature it in The Tank Tribune.
This week's featured artist is @SirDusterBuster. He joined just this month and has already left his impression on the site. Here's to seeing great things from him going forward.
The Sona, Duster
The beast awakens
Long ago, in the magical year of 2009, there was a man by the name of @DrForeman. He was a beast of a man. A true spectacle to behold. A warrior tried and true. We were all jellyous. Unfortunately though, he had an enemy. @TheSouthernTower found his Achille's Heel. He merely commented "Dude, you have a fucking giraffe neck.". It would not take long for this to spiral out of control. The beast would come with a nickname that would follow him for the remainder of his time on Newgrounds. Dick Neck. A major motion picture was made.
"What was going to become a comic-book series, I had decided to go all-out and make Dickneck's origin story my third animation project ever! I have no shame.
Based entirely on rumerio's contribution to "the beast awakens..." thread, for a solid, creative, Newgroundsy origin story!
EyeLovePoozy backed the project from the beginning, and is truly the spine of the project, pulling in the talents of Jade's hilarious artwork, and TomaMoto's superb narration! I can't thank you enough, Poozy! This flash would've sucked a lot more without you.
I needed help with sound effects, since I wasn't going to do "Mouth-FX" like I had done with my previous animation, "Zone of the Awesome." I got a fellow collaborator, 9voltproductions, to fill in all of my SFX needs. He even provided a few voices!"
August 27, 2009
@Gamut is a new artist here on the scene. He wished he would have given this site a shot much earlier. He's looking to learn and share his craft with us. Check out his works below.
@MysteriousZKelroth is a writer, voice actor, developer, artist, and composer looking to migrate to Newgrounds. Let's give him a warm welcome. Check out his works below.
@NokayArtInsta is an artist who joined us recently. She's looking to share her art and socialize with other Newgrounds members. Check out her works below and say hi if you get a chance.
@NxJ has been here a while, but is looking to be more involved in the site. Check out their works below.
@SuperDuperAltF4 has recently joined us. He likes playing games and watching movies here on Newgrounds! Give him a friendly hello!
@KayEf recounts his tale of growing up with Newgrounds and seeing it transform over two decades. He asks what Newgrounds means to you. The fans, the creators, the supporters. Share what Newgrounds means to you.
Yup, that meth is a hell of a drug.
Ohio is the only place where I can talk about wanting a 3-way and nobody looks at me funny.
Error 404:
Your haiku could not be found.
Try again later.
Everyday Newgrounds chooses a User of the Day at random! Here are the selected people of last week! Congratulations to all of you!
2003: @Camp-Kill-Yourself
2006: @Stuff4u2kno
2011: @SnakeHank
2020: @Dasuq
The week can get people down sometimes. With all of the hustle and bustle and action packed drama that entails our lives, sometimes it's nice to just kickback and relax. Here are a few games to play to unwind on this Monday Morning.
I want to thank you all for reading this morning's issue. It was quite the nostalgia trip for me with some of the content here. With Newgrounds looking back to the past and going towards the future. It is quite fitting how the Flash Forward Jam is coming to an end and the Friday Night Funkin' Jam is coming up next. I am glad to be part of such an amazing community, and I am most pleased that you're here to share it with me. Enjoy your morning everyone.
The Tank Tribune is a part of Dohn's Desk Productions
@Troisnyx - Since you were the first to respond, my computer was slowing down so I had to post it once so it would be saved before adding the last two sections. The Quotes of the Week in Community and the Supporter Section.