Good Morning Newgrounds! There was a lot of content that has hit the Portal in January making the Monthly Voting quite difficult with the Best of January announced as well as the Pixel Day Winners! It would be a great time to check out all of the winners, vote on these submissions, and review them. There's not much in terms of news this morning, The Tank Tribune wants you to get out there, vote on some of the Best and Worst things on Newgrounds and share your favorites here on the paper! With that said though, here are the hip happenings of Newgrounds!
THEME SONG BY @sorohanro
@TheSykotikMunky @Vista-Sound13 @Elationmusic @steampianist @SuperSoniker @Sexual-Lobster @DreyLand @ChronoNomad @xZiriusX @keepwalking @ZipZipper @esko-man @R3tronaut @TheSilleGuy @Ang3lix @SardonicSamurai @Dunderpatrullen @ClockbeatAdelony87 @iElectrocat
"If you can read this, you are immortal!"
Best of January 2021!
The month of January flew by, thankfully though it left quite a trace with a lot of great content. The Best of January was a tough vote this month. Congratulations to @meatcanyon for Best Movie. Congratulations to @UnlimitedTrees, @cness4290, @LakeFeperd, @littlelamp100, @LocoNathan, @LooneyDude, @megabaz, @Peeper, @R3tronaut, @RedTalonZ64, and @SpectraS02 for Best Game.
Double XP, Voting, and Reviewing
You can receive Double XP when voting, helping you to level up quicker, especially if you're a new user. Don't forget to leave a review as well for the creators, they appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.
Pixel Day 2021 Winners!
Our yearly tradition started by @JohnnyGuy has come and gone. After much watching, listening, playing, and staring, the tabulations have been tabulated and here are the winners! Congratulations to @NE-O-N and @Template88 for Best Game. Congratulations to @aleha84 for Best Art. Congratulations to @DavidOrr for Best Music. Congratulations to @Trippple for Best Movie.
Last Week's Daily Features from the Portal as posted through P-Bot's Postings are listed here. We kick off the week with a Daily Feature going to @Joe-Mega and @Potatoman for their movie The Abduction. Winning a fifth Daily Feature for Joe-Mega and an eleventh Daily Feature for Potatoman. @BrokenMOJO won his last Daily Feature back in October for TOMAR IS A HILLBILLY, he has returned this week winning for RESIDENT EVIL: MOMMY. @adamanimates picks up not only his third Daily Feature, but a first for The Tank Tribune, he received the Triple Crown on Newgrounds winning the Daily Feature, Weekly 1st Place, and the Review Crew Pick for Calvin & Hobbes Catnap. @ArtistGamerGal wins her seventh Daily Feature after a five year gap with the third episode in her Zelda Hero High Series. @eddsworld, @Fliglaba, and @PieLordPictures pick up the Daily Feature for the latest movie The Birds and The Bees. For the Flash Forward Jam comes Drop Cannon picking up a Daily Feature for Our Lord and Savior @TomFulp, @JohnnyUtah, @l0litsmonica, @PhantomArcade, and @Speedo. The Daily Feature for Saturday has become an Unpublished Submission. If this changes within the coming days, The Tank Tribune will post it.
@Xorberax is a veteran musician here on Newgrounds who has started a Patreon for those who want to give support for his music. It will help with expenses for his music production.
My Process - How I Create an Illustration from Start to Finish
@zeedox goes through the step-by-step process of how he creates a piece. Many an artist and animator can go through how they make their creations. Here you can see it grow bit by bit.
Join my Discord!
@scriptwelder has a Discord where you can get news of the latest Deep Sleep game in development now.
This week's Featured Artist is @pInkmoth. They've been an artist on Newgrounds since 2018. They also recently celebrated their birthday! Happy Birthday pInkmoth!
taking back the sword
We're Starfox was a movie that took the dialogue from Star Fox 64 and created a scenario in a restaurant. It was not only a love-letter to the game, it was hilarious to boot. Creators have continued this tradition, with the most recent being @PringusMcDingus with Hi, I'm Daisy as an example.
"I've always been a huge fan of Starfox 64, and I actually quote it in real life from time to time. The idea for "We're Starfox" came when I was talking to one of my friends. I don't remember exactly how we got to the topic but we ended up talking about what it would be like if the Starfox gang went to a restaurant and which lines from the game would be funny in that situation. It was actually pretty tough making the whole thing into a story that flowed together. At first I had several different pieces of conversations that I wanted and quotes that I wanted to use. I had to stitch them all together and still make the story flow. I think I still have the sheet of paper I wrote all the scenes down on. I'll have to dig that back up."
Strongman Comp. Update
@Fro has entered a strongman competition and is looking for donors to back him in this endeavor. You can help out by donating to his Ko-fi. Tom Fulp sent a Newgrounds T-Shirt that Fro will wear to represent Newgrounds. If you're a game developer, musician, artist, whatever, he will also get your brand out there during the competition if you donate.
@mrjinjin has recently joined us. He's been a lurker on the site for years now and has decided to make an account. He's ready to give back to the community and is looking to share his works with all of us.
@tornous has heard a lot of cool things about the site so he decided to sign up! Welcome aboard tornous!
@Rherdalaezian signed up because of Geometry Dash. Welcome to Newgrounds!
@croc-rock is a new artist here on the site. He likes the artwork here and is hoping he can submit some of his own.
Knife inside your throat
You will never be my mother
Just a rotten cunt
Everyday Newgrounds chooses a User of the Day at random! Here are the selected people of last week! Congratulations to all of you!
2009: @PenguinFlash
2010: @Bosa
2011: @SnakeHank
2020: @Dasuq
The week can get people down sometimes. With all of the hustle and bustle and action packed drama that entails our lives, sometimes it's nice to just kickback and relax. Here are a few games to play to unwind on this Monday Morning.
Thank you all for sticking with The Tank Tribune. I am hoping to make some changes to Quote of the Week, moving it to the Supporter Section in the future, seeing as how that is a Supporter Feature now. This has been a short issue, this was done with intent for two reasons. One is I still have stuff on the back burner I need to catch up on and two is because I really want all of you to visit the Portal this morning and vote on stuff that is backlogged there. This isn't like YouTube where stuff get's passed through. We do not have an algorithm here, WE are the algorithm. So spend this morning playing on Newgrounds!
The Tank Tribune is a part of Dohn's Desk Productions