The Official Newspaper of Newgrounds! New Issues every Sunday!

Age 34

Joined on 6/8/20

Exp Points:
65 / 100
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
3.04 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:

NO. 30 - Thirty

Posted by TheTankTribune - February 8th, 2021





Good Morning Newgrounds! Welcome to the thirtieth issue of The Tank Tribune. This number does not inclulde special editions, which surpasses that number. For thirty weeks The Tank Tribune has been keeping the Newgrounds Members up to date on the hip happenings of the site. With the goal to showcase everything, by everyone. There have been some bumpy spots in the beginning of the paper for sure. As we enter another year, it is important now more than ever to showcase the creative talents we have on Newgrounds, preserve the past of those who helped build not only Newgrounds, but the Internet as a whole to where they are today. Time flies online. Five years is old in Internet time. With Newgrounds being over 25 years old now it is practically ancient. Still innovating though. The Monday Phonograph this morning celebrates entries from all the past Phonographs, including the special editions. Multiple Valentine's Day contest deadlines are coming to the end. The Portal is backed up. We have the passion for the fashion. People are talking, saying things, podcasting if that's even a word. Here are the hip happenings of Newgrounds!



THEME SONG BY @sorohanro


@kelwynshade @Bitqrusher @johnfn @Thomastique @Elationmusic @EezySeven @themissiondistrict @bassfiddlejones @joshgawaldomusic @DanPaladin @Aaron-Long @SuperSoniker @Kor-Rune @JohnnyGuy @cheshyre @BananaBreadBoi @Waterflame @JohnMontoya @F-777 @BSlick @Violet-AIM @DJ-Gerian @Vista-Sound13 @CaptainBoomcake @Bosa @FuzionTech @PaulyBFromDa303 @KawaiSprite @PredatorMusic @Denvish @KevinMueller @Step


Ninjamuffin99 is my best Newgrounds buddy”




Under Judgement Vote Request Thread

There has been an influx of Newgrounds members signing up to the site and I feel they're not too sure how the process here works. On sites like YouTube you simply upload your video and the bots check to see if there is anything fishy with it. The algorithm dictates what stays, what goes, what is demonetized and so on. Newgrounds however depends on its audiences to maintain submissions. You get a choice of what stays on the site and what doesn't.

We have a backlog of Under Judgement submissions on The Portal now. You can do your part and vote what stays and what goes depending on how much you liked it. Newgrounds also doesn't feature a Like and Dislike button. Your honest opinion matters here. If you leave a review, your review score will also reflect the score given to the submission.

If you have submitted something to Newgrounds and it is still Under Judgement, check out the thread made by @kidray76.

Double Experience Points

Tom has doubled XP for the remainder of February. The Portal is backed up with submissions under judgement, so go and vote on those to help get submissions through and level up in the process!

Friday Night Funkin' Shirts

Two shirts for Friday Night Funkin' have been released on the Newgrounds Shark Robot store. Don't forget to grab yourself a classic Newgrounds Shirt while you're there. The design for the Friday Night Funkin' shirts is by @PKettles, check out her work and give her a follow.

Flash Forward Jam

The Flash Forward Jam is still going, you have until February 28th to have your submission posted. Do not forget to tag your submission with Flash-Forward-Jam, this is crucial.

The Loveliest Contest: Concept of Love Contest

The deadline for this contest is this Saturday, February 13th. If you haven't submitted your entry, now would be the time to put on the finishing touches.

The Loveliest Contest: Sexiest Outfit Contest

The deadline for this contest is this Saturday, February 13th. If you haven't submitted your entry, now would be the time to put on the finishing touches.

Val-21 Writing Contest! ($ Prizes!) DISCUSSION

The Valentine's Writing Contest, with the theme Any Other Era, deadline is approaching. You have until February 15th. If you're still hard at work on your entry you have some time left.

Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions!

Check out all of the entries in the Video Game Music Challenge!


Last Week's Daily Features from the Portal as posted through P-Bot's Postings are listed here. We start off the week at the end of the January with @Raziberry picking up a Daily Feature for an entry in his Technical Dave series entitled TD-Want You Bad . A new user who signed up back in December 2020, @jessecowan who picks up his first Daily Feature for his first movie on Newgrounds Little Wolf: The Night Trail. He will be one to keep an eye on that is for sure. @RylanLego of YouTube fame has been posting here on Newgrounds since 2016. He picked up his first solo Daily Feature for Take Out The Trash. His first Daily Feature was a shared award with Hotel Mario Reanimated Collab. @illwillpress picks up Daily Feature for his new Foamy the Squirrel cartoon, Cartoons! Wave of the Future!. @NoobJew666 picks up his first Daily Feature with a creatively combination of characters in Madness vs Rayman DELUXE. @SirLenward picks up a Daily Feature for gec. You may have seen his works in the multiple collaborations he has participated in, most recently being the Tankmas ADVENTure 2020. @ZenithQuinn picks up his fourth Daily Feature for Spongebob Raps Gangsters Paradise Using AI to close off the week.



@PsychoGoldfish@Will@Xinxinix and @VoicesByCorey came into this episode unprepared. @UnlimitedTrees talked about his game UNITRES Dreams. There was also a ton of community talk that sent our hosts a decent into madness. Not the violent kind mind you.


These are the people who make Newgrounds possible. Thank you!



This week's Supporter of the Week is VoicesByCorey. As a regular on The Newgrounds Podcast, he delights and informs the Newgrounds Community of what's going on on the site. He voice acts in multiple projects on the site and spearheaded the Newgrounds Voice Actor Collaboration. He is always looking to not only share his own works with the site, but to give back to it in any way he can.

"Holy cow, I just realized I surpassed 200 fans! I’m extremely surprised because of how quickly I reached this milestone! I started uploading content to my page in 2014, but it wasn’t until this year that I surpassed 100 fans. Within a matter of months of reaching 100 fans, I acquired 100 more. It truly blows me away that 200+ people decided to follow me and my voice acting career 😊 the support I’ve received from this community has been humbling and heart warming. It reassures me that my work is appreciated and enjoyed! There’s no doubt that more content is coming and I’m eternally grateful for the love! Thank you guys!"




The beginning of Season 2 for the Off the Wall show is up now. @JohnnyGuy talks to @VoicesByCorey. Reviews Phasmophobia, which he played with @JennyGlynn. Features music by @LostChronology and @Moiko.


The Loveliest Contest: Sexiest Outfit Contest


The Loveliest Contest: Concept Of Love Contest!


Valentine's Day Writing Contest


Flash Forward Jam




Check out my Patreon :)

@FriendlyLlama has a Patreon up now where you can support their works. They are the creator of Princess Squirrel which you can play in the Monday Console this morning. Consider becoming a Patron of theirs today.

Making fake-ish 3D and atmospheric clouds. ☁

@brin-o has made a new game entitled Krowbar. A top down adventure game where you play as Kro. Use your crowbar to escape cloud land. He is looking for feedback and shared some of the development process behind it.

MMM games - New game

@MMMgames is working on a new Turn-Based RPG entitled Bio Cyber. It is an endless battle game where you fight wave after wave of enemies. Follow the link to check out screenshots of the game. Also check out his other series Project: Unborn. It is three episodes that can be played on Newgrounds right now!


Newgrounds Veteran @Mahamarr has made his return to Newgrounds. You may remember hearing his voice in Slush Delivery and his works on the Sonic Shorts collaborations. He is back and brought a new movie with him entitled CONTINUE.

More $1+ Patreon rewards are out!

@Jabun has been releasing more awards for his patrons who pledge $1. He has released a song from Halloween 2012, Sonnet For A Spider Girl. This song as well as all of his songs are available for .MP3 download. If you're a $10 patron you get a sneak peek at his upcoming third album. Join Jabun's Patreon and become a Pigeon today.

New Literally Hell cartoon!

@guitarrob released a new episode in his Literally Hell series. We talked about the series and guitarrob's Patreon back in Issue No. 17. Check out the latest edition of this homegrown Newgrounds series. If you're new to the series, The Tank Tribune compiled a playlist of the Literally Hell Series.

Finally working on a new toon!

@SteakstixAnimations is working on a new toon. You may remember him from his works on F R I E N D S (Lost Episode) and DETECTIVE PIKACHU (2018). He has a sneak peek of his next movie that you can see below.


I'm Back, Baby!

@Skiptoons has made his return to Newgrounds! Real life hit him with homework and obligations. He's back to post more of his artwork. If you're unfamiliar with Skiptoons then check out his works below.

Ear Soup

@Kingbastard released a new album entitled Ear Soup. Exclusively on Bandcamp. Check it out!


@Tomhson is planning... something.



This week's featured artist is @HyperJerk. He's a pixel artist and digital artist. He's looking to work on his independent cartoons and has found using Newgrounds as a portfolio is more beneficial than Tumblr. He competed in The Tournament of Flash Artists for 2010 and 2011. He was also part of The Zelda CDi Reanimated Collab!. Check out his works!


These pin-points of light




Released over ten years ago, this song would feature lyrics from the viewer of Sexual-Lobster bringing us an interesting song that would span multiple songs going forward. It would hit the Triple Crown, winning the Daily Feature, Weekly 1st Place, and Review Crew Pick awards.

It started as a writing exercise. I came up with the first verse, I don't remember how or why, and posted the lyrics on my forum and a Newgrounds news post, asking for collaboration. I ended up getting a lot of awesome material, and when I edited and hammered it all together into a song, I thought it was too funny not to do. Also, the appeal with making music videos is that you can pretty much draw whatever you like, people accept completely irrelevant visuals. Interestingly, most music videos are as boring as cardboard.


February 17, 2011




Post your Weather!

With snowstorms happening up north here in the United States, I figured it was time to bring this thread to light. Show us what the weather is where you are. I've thought about doing a weather section here in the paper, but doing global weather reporting would be strenuous. Share your weather.


@Maskedcorpse recently joined us. He is a new artist here on Newgrounds. Check out his works!

@marcospupy10 is a new member here. He's trying a little bit of everything on Newgrounds. Say hello in the Intro Thread and check out his works.

@SENTARI has known about Newgrounds for some time and has decided to make an account. Say hi in the Intro Thread and check out their works.

@pharrex is an old user under a new name. He's been gone for a while and is looking to reinvigorate Newgrounds.

@corollacore has browsed the site back in the 2000s, but was banned from Newgrounds by his parents. Friday Night Funkin' was a nostalgia trip for him and he has joined us. He's a graphic designer. He has a teaser up now that you can watch.



Sword Art Online is

so great. "Fuck me, oniichan!"

Great glops do we have.



Everyday Newgrounds chooses a User of the Day at random! Here are the selected people of last week! Congratulations to all of you!









2005: @johnkilo

2008: N/A

2011: @blackaura10

2020: @drake-rex


The week can get people down sometimes. With all of the hustle and bustle and action packed drama that entails our lives, sometimes it's nice to just kickback and relax. Here are a few games to play to unwind on this Monday Morning.

The Tank Tribune has surpassed 300 followers. It is incredible that this project started back in June 2020 receiving up to 40 followers and it has grown exponentially. I am pleased to see that this was a success. I only hope it has been useful for keeping Newgrounds Members up-to-date and highlighting creators who are under the radar. I feel like this paper could do more though and I want to hear your feedback. What more would you like to see in The Tank Tribune? Another way to showcase the creators of Newgrounds? Something fun for the morning? I've got some ideas, I am always open to feedback though. Thank you for joining me for these thirty issues. Let's keep going! You can always help out by submitting taglines that appear at the top of each new issue in The Tank Tribune Tagline Thread.

The Tank Tribune is a part of Dohn's Desk Productions






Thanks so much for the Patreon plug! Hope people enjoy the music :)

Supporter of the Week?! Yo, thank you Great One! That truly means a lot to me! :D I really appreciate you choosing me and saying those kind words! Always love what you do with the news letter, keep up the amazing work :D

I should not be news, but dang. What an honor, thanks for the write up!

Thank you so much for the shoutout! It means alot to me!

So awesome to be a part of the news, this is insanely cool!! Thank you so much for the inclusion, and thank you Newgrounds for being such a great place to be :)

Wow, THANK YOU for featuring me in this! A total honor! This was a really great newsletter and you should be proud. Newgrounds forever!!

Planning something indeed I am...

Thank you so much for featuring me here! Really appreciate it!

Hey, thanks for the mention <3

Thanks for the shout, but I just want to clear up that “Ear Soup” is just a single release and it’s not currently on Bandcamp at this moment in time. However it is readily available to stream and download right here on NG.

We all know that my quote is the best one

Thank you for the feature <3 I'm so overwhelmed by the community support!

Thank you for the shoutout, much love <3

Very nice. SAO wincest poetry finally gets the recognition it deserves. And I still hate FNF.