Good Morning Newgrounds! There is a lot being done under the hood of Newgrounds with the death of Flash. Many new members who are picking up Daily Feature's in P-Bot's Postings and the return of veterans as well. New users have been joining the site at a rapid pace. If you're one of the new users reading this paper, then Welcome to Newgrounds! Hope you enjoy your stay here, I certainly have for the past 14 years now. Valentine's Day is on the horizon, love is in the air and it's still cold outside (at least where I'm at). With all of that said, here are the hip happenings of Newgrounds last week.
THEME SONG BY @sorohanro
@BenTibbetts @TeraVex @Vista-Sound13 @VaultKid @JoelyMoley @Southwest-Statistic @Trippple @Wegra @DavidOrr @johnfn @Step @Hikari @5TanLey @djt820 @Possibly @FunBoy07 @VibrantMan @BSlick
“Is it just me or has the UI changed a bit?”
NG Player not working anymore? Solution inside!
@Sonucais has been collecting workarounds to play older Flash submissions on Newgrounds. If you're having trouble try out one of the solutions that he has outlined. If you're still having an issue with a particular submission then report it to the Ruffle Testing / Flash Preservation Crew.
Funeral for Peaceblossom
Two week ago, The Tank Tribune chose @Peaceblossom as Supporter of the Week. One of Newgrounds most helpful members, judging multiple contests, and entering them as one of Newgrounds best writers. @preskoo has let us know that Peaceblossom's account has been deleted. The story as of now is that it was a self deletion. We do not have the reason behind the deletion yet.
Flash Forward Jam
If you're entry for the Flash Forward Jam isn't done yet then don't despair, the deadline has been moved to February 28th. That's the end of this month.
Last Week's Daily Features from the Portal as posted through P-Bot's Postings are listed here. We start the week off with Ugby Mumba 3 picking up a Daily Feature for @milkbarjack, @GeloxLP, @LoudnNoisy, @MajorWipeout, @milkyace, @Stradomyre, @Ico, and @TheSpiciest. @JoelyMoley picks up his first Daily Feature for small ENEMY SPIDER. Last week @Benedique picked up his first Daily Feature for his game Chainsaw Dance. This week he receives his second Daily Feature and first Movie Daily Feature for Re: Zero (Urusei Yatsura mashup). @breabrzz wins her first Daily Feature for her movie Bin Day. @PringusMcDingus picks up his twelfth Daily Feature for Hades run in general. A new series has picked up a Daily Feature for its creators @Joe-Mega, @Cryptospore, @Gage, @LobsterMango, and RGPAnims entitled Rhythm Ep:1. We end the week with a new movie from @Doki, receiving his twenty-seventh Daily Feature Movie Trophy for the sixth entry in the Sock series entitled fittingly enough Sock Six.
If you haven't listened to Off The Wall, you need to. Hosted by @JohnnyGuy it is a radio show where he places music, interviews different Newgrounds members, and has a lot of fun. @JohnnyGuy has been a frequent host and guest on The Newgrounds Podcast, so if you're familiar with that then you're gonna love this. The first season has recently wrapped and the second season is one the way. This is your chance to get caught up if you haven't listened to this series.
The Loveliest Contest: Sexiest Outfit Contest
The Loveliest Contest: Concept Of Love Contest!
Valentine's Day Writing Contest
This week's Featured Artist is one of our newest artists to hit the scene. Her name is @MellonSnow and she has transitioned some of her older pieces to the site. The Tribune welcomed her as a new user to the site. Now her works are here for you to see!
Break and Breathe
@Bad-CRC brought us this movie way back in 2001. It will be twenty years old this month. Making fun of the badly translated Zero Wing for the Sega Genesis with a parody song. This line and movie became so famous on Newgrounds that it would sit at the bottom of the page for years. On certain pages on the site that do not have this latest redesign you can still see it.
Newgrounds is no longer blocked in Turkey
@Kutaykomiks, who you may remember was a featured artist in the Tribune for his entry in the Musk Jam, has announced that Newgrounds is now available to the citizens of Turkey. He was using a VPN to browse Newgrounds, but now it is open there. If you're using a VPN to browse Newgrounds as well, let us know where you're at.
The Definitive Newgrounds Server
@DaemonPlus made a new Discord server called Newgrounds Atomix. It was made as a faster way for Newgrounds members to chat with one another.
@ro1y signed up recently. He's an animator looking to avoid YouTube due to the issues YouTube tends to have. Check out his works.
@MoeMoeLM has signed up and is looking for entertainment. Show him some of your favorite things on Newgrounds!
@furiousartist has been here for almost a year now. She's been on hiatus and has poked in and said Hi in the Intro Thread. Check out her works below.
@Nemiitix signed up back in July, he uses the site for music and decided to make an account. Share some of your favorite Newgrounds music with him.
@ChocodoThyBird signed up to play the games on Newgrounds. He left and came back because of Friday Night Funkin'. Share some of your favorite Newgrounds games with him.
@lapiluet is another user who was brought in due to the success of Friday Night Funkin'. They're an artist looking to post their works and get to know the community more. Check out their works below.
@Rezllen used to browse Newgrounds as a kid. Now she's made an account and is ready to share her artwork with us. Check out her works below.
@orenji-sama has joined us to share their NSFW art and meet some new artists. Check out their works!
@girlaph1 had old accounts in the past. She has made a new one looking to start over. She is here to share her art with all of us.
I am just going to preface with this word of advice. If you're having trouble with your homework for a project, Newgrounds would be more than helpful to give you tips or advice and help. However, we will not do your homework for you, nor will we help you if you decided to procrastinate. @ActualOccurences was not the first to do this, but he unintentionally made @STEM hit his breaking point.
The benevolent light enters hence
I quiver at the sight of it
I'm reluctant to accept it
Everyday Newgrounds chooses a User of the Day at random! Here are the selected people of last week! Congratulations to all of you!
2007: @MrGuyPersonDude
2009: @Dad00
2011: @3V1L-G3N1U5
2020: @DareArms
The week can get people down sometimes. With all of the hustle and bustle and action packed drama that entails our lives, sometimes it's nice to just kickback and relax. Here are a few games to play to unwind on this Monday Morning.
The month of January kind of flew by didn't it. With so much being done behind the scenes on Newgrounds I can certainly see why. I am looking to feature different Podcasts through the Tribune moving forward. The Newgrounds Podcast will receive priority due to its catch all nature of the site in general. If The NGP doesn't have any new episodes out come the posting of the paper then I will fill that spot with a podcast. Thank you all for reading and I hope you have a fantastic morning!
The Tank Tribune is a part of Dohn's Desk Productions
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