Good Morning Newgrounds! For my Canadian Readers, I hope you had a wonderful Canada Day! For my US Readers, I hope you had a wonderful Independence Day! Today's issue is packed full of winners from different contests! A brand new interview with @MistyEntertainment. News on how Newgrounds will operate when Flash is gone! A section for Supporters. The Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch! And more! The Tank Tribune also has its own theme songs now courtesy of @sorohanro! You can the Intro and Outro at the beginning and end of the Sunday Phonograph posted in each new issue from here on out! I implore you load up the Sunday Phonograph when you read each issue! With all that said, here's the happenings on Newgrounds last week!
THEME SONG BY @sorohanro
The winners of the Musk Jam have been announced. 16 winners with the 1st Prize @BoyPorcelain taking home $1,500! Here are the Top 5 winners! Check the thread to see the rest! Special Thanks to the donors!
@Mike has also been working on Ruffle to emulate Flash without the Flash plugin. If you were afraid of some of your favorites on Newgrounds not being accessible due to Flash being dropped in December of this year, then fear no more!
Persona 4 Art Winners & Much More!
The Persona 4 Fan Art Contest has come to an end! The Top 5 winners received $30 each! Here are the Top 5!
Artists are branching out with My Friend Pedro made by @DeadToast getting a TV-adapation! Derek Kolstad, writer of John Wick, and David Leitch, director of Deadpool 2, are working on the project.
@DarqV has his cartoon I Love You Mao Mao on Cartoon Network now and it is is getting new episodes at 12:30 PM PST all this week!
@HenryEYES and @NickConter are back to host the 2020 Sketch Collab! If you're an aspiring animator! Go out and be part of a wonderful collaboration with some talented and new animators on Newgrounds!
Music Inspired Art Contest 2020
@Sevi is hosting the third annual Music Inspired Art Contest. A contest where you create a piece of art based on the inspiration from music. Hopefully something from the Audio Portal or even this week's Sunday Phonograph!
Last Week's Daily Features from the Portal as posted through P-Bot's Postings are listed here. @moonshineanimations took home a Daily Feature and Review Crew Pick with his Animal Crossing/Batman movie. @Pixelulsar took home a Daily Feature with his adorable Duck Waddle game. We've also seen a lot of voice actors showcased in these movies, with @MissMoonified, @Tempty, and @Phobotech, just to name a few.
These are the people who make Newgrounds possible. Thank you!
@IQCarrot, @OriginalityIsDead, @polhudo, @DREW5190, @SirNonimous, @TheSmutRat, @RonnieJMusic, @BOSS8NULL, @MinorAtrocityGames, @GGAaron, @MrRumdum, @Bongey-the-Bird, @ToxicCookieJars, @FrozKid, @HappyHarry, @seventhsever, @DaemonLord13, @RydiaLockheart, @Jestervgb, @MrFistSalad.
@HeartOfTheStorm, @WowdyNG, @spunjo, @Carbonwater, @tox, @vtmarik, @GrimmyCast
Artwork by @Butzbo
@SplatterDash is hosting this year's Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch! Here we have exclusive coverage of the happenings during the competition. We are currently in the Audition Round right now! The deadline for this round is July 13th, that's next week! If you haven't entered yet now is the time to do so! There is a prize pool being built by donations. The 1st Place winner will receive an interview with @TheInterviewer and have an article dedicated to them in an issue of The Tank Tribune!
We already have entries in from @Jatmoz, @TenodiBoris, @Troike, and @stardew. Just to name a few! Here are some songs featured in the contest already!
We're only at the beginning so stay tuned to The Tank Tribune to see all of the fun to be had in this contest!
The Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch Audition
DEADLINE: July 13th
DEADLINE #1: July 31st
DEADLINE #2: August 31st
DEADLINE: August 26th
DEADLINE: August 31st
@batterbeenthere is taking commissions. $50 for each character and an additional $25 for each extra character.
@GreenTeaArt is taking commissions. Prices range from $5-$25, depending on what you want. Details are in the link!
Voice Actor Looking For Projects To Work On
@GrantTheHierophant is looking to work on some small projects. If you're looking for a voice actor for your latest project. then hit him up!
LATEST INTERVIEW: Interview with MistyEntertainment
MistyEntertainment has been with Newgrounds for over ten years. Learn about his music creations. His battle with cancer. Plus the Adrellia Village series and Trash Library: Steven Universe!
@Ratcaller has reached over 100 fans! He decided to say thank you to all of those who checked out his work! He's also celebrating writing over 600 reviews! Check out his stuff and become a fan today!
@Kel-chan is showing off some mangas they have been working on. If you're in need of some reading later on this Sunday afternoon, then here's something to wind out the day.
Outlaw madness 2 for madness day 2020
@Diotoons has an updated on his Madness creations. One of them being an entry for Madness Day 2020.
@Spazdables has released his first movie on Newgrounds entitled Harvest Haunting. If you haven't seen it yet now is the time!
Weasel Woman
Back in the 90s Newgrounds had short flash movies playing on the Front Page. From artists such as @Dave, @EdibleCastle, @chluaid, @JeremyLokken, @RupeeClock, @SickDeathFiend, @Sexual-Lobster, and @Stamper just to name a few!
"The history of Bytesize goes all the way back to the late 90s, when we ran a series of streaming "gag" cartoons on the front page of NG. At some point the cartoons went stale and the feature seemed obnoxious, so we scrapped it.
Almost a decade later, we reintroduced Bytesize with the big NG redesign launch of July, 2007. Only this time, it featured a much more expansive selection of cartoons by numerous artists from around the site. I decided it would be fun to give it a permanent place here in the Portal because it would also inevitably vanish from the front page."
-Tom Fulp
@sinisterbuilt has recently joined us. He has been lurking for a while now and has decided to share his art with us. Say hello to him in the Intro Thread and check out his art!
@Fro is currently on vacation. If you need anything you can message @Malachy, @kidray76, @TurkeyOnAStick, or @NekoMika. @BillyRedSnake has decided to be the man of the house on the Forums while Fro is gone.
Albeit's demise
Lingers within my nightmares
What is the meaning
Everyday Newgrounds chooses a User of the Day at random! Here are the selected people of last week! Congratulations to all of you!
2006: @shmickname
2007: @asdfafsdfs
2010: @TOXlCITY
2019: @Stefano-De-Artist
The week can get people down sometimes. With all of the hustle and bustle and action packed drama that entails our lives, sometimes it's nice to just kickback and relax. Here are a few games to play to unwind on this Sunday Morning.
There have been some new additions to this issue of the paper! I decided to keep it on the lighter side with all of the content from winners of contests to look at, listen to, watch, and play! I won't be around the site much today, I'm hosting a Birthday Party for two of my friends and I! We all have birthdays in July so this is our group party! I really hope you enjoyed this issue despite its brevity. I must inform you though that next week will be a little different. There will still be a Sunday Issue covering Newgrounds last week, however there is something in store for Saturday, especially for you night owls! I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
The Tank Tribune is a part of Dohn's Desk Productions
The Muskjam was extremely fun! I hope more animation jams are coming at greater frequency, because I have an itch to collab more, and its just the spike in activity this community needs. This is healthy momentum here that really helps the site thrive!