Thanks for featuring me. Awesome as always.
The Official Newspaper of Newgrounds! New Issues every Sunday!
Age 34
Joined on 6/8/20
Thanks for featuring me. Awesome as always.
Good Weisi tribute
FranksĀ“s Adventure?Doesnt that star Kramer from Seinfeld?
Another great edition, nice seeing the Wiesi tribute in here.
i love reading these, great as always.
R.I.P Wiesi, I'm sure they were an awesome member of the Newgrounds community.
Wow, I never expected tp see my name on one of these tribunes, tysm for the shoutout! It was a really nice thing to wake up to this morning.
I wasn't familiar with Weisi until i learned of his passing, but it's sad to hear such a beloved member of the community is gone. May he rest in peace.
Thank you so much for featuring me! This was very unexpected but I guess I can't complain. I suppose I have to be more active now though... No promises ;)
chutney got his comeuppance, finally ^^