When is one of my threads going to be on here?
The Official Newspaper of Newgrounds! New Issues every Sunday!
Age 34
Joined on 6/8/20
When is one of my threads going to be on here?
@Taka maybe let's just wait and see until you get the spotlight.
Ayy thank you!
Hey! Thanks again for the shoutout. Man, I made that track a while back but still glad you like it ^^ Much appreciated, thanks for the support yall <3
Thank you for the tag!!! Would love to be part of anyones podcast.
Thank you for the feature! I'm thrilled that people are still enjoying my old toons :)
Thanks for sharing the music as always! :D
Another great issue. Thanks for the mention, the event was a blast. I think the funniest part was when nobody showed up.
These issues are so good.
Lots of fun stuff is happening on NG this week! Another good issue.
thought it was something serious but its just me saying god damn