Yooooo Thanks for the feature! :D
The Official Newspaper of Newgrounds! New Issues every Sunday!
Age 34
Joined on 6/8/20
Yooooo Thanks for the feature! :D
It says I was mentioned in this, couldn't find it though. However, liked the shoutouts and some personal comments on how our community is doing and keeping positive. Thanks guys!
Wow, thanks for the shoutout—it's pretty cool that Newgrounds has a weekly newsletter, didn't know that before joining. One of the more vibrant, involved communities I've dropped in on. :)
Thank you for the shout-out, I see the voice actors been very busy with projects and collabs. They deserve this recognition! They work so hard to bring movies to life. Thank you!
@BojangIes One of your songs was used in the Monday Phonograph.
Thanks for featuring my song!! :0
thank for the shoutout
Wow never knew I'd be mentioned again considering my older history on this account. I produce and post my newer stuff to Tetrahedrix account
something to look forward to on Mondays!