Oh sh*t! Thank you for @TheNewgroundsPodcast feature~!
I'm doing an Art Talks today at 2pm EST on the Discord, if anyone's interested! It'll have Sabtastic, her sister Purefey, and nikkinacks discussing freelance work~
That "Follow Count" endeavor was a big one, and it gained so much traction from the community that ultimately something so seemingly minor became a big deal lol. Kudos to that person!
The Haiku in today's issue is a powerful one.
I recently beat Big Tall Small by Rob, so it's cool being able to see his work neatly compiled here~
Keep up the good work TGO! We all put too much on our plates, but I'm always looking forward to whatever you have planned, and these issues do well to act as an archive, like you were saying. So much damn history in one place... Much love!
I'm still angry at Friday Night Funkin though because I can't get the music out of my head.